Why Us RepairMyRoof4Less.com

Why choose RepairMyRoof4Less.com?

  • Family-owned and operated
  • Fully licensed
  • Safety program
  • Professionally managed
  • Factory trained and certified
  • Experienced and dedicated
  • We honor our estimate


We Honor Our Estimate

Our Bid is our Bid, that means you will never pay a single penny more than the original price quoted (Undetectable Decking ROT being the ONLY exclusion).

We have noticed an increase in a disturbing trend where contractors are pricing quotes ridiculously low to compete for your business. Then, halfway through the project, these contractors will stop work to raise their pricing with their customers’ roof open and exposed to the weather, leaving their customers with no other option than to agree to the additional pricing (this is a SCAM and RAPIDLY increasing since the huge uptick in inflation).

Easter Egg Image

You have found an Easter Egg - Say this to RepairMrRoof4Less.com for $25 Off - 'If your "Bid Is Your Bid" and you run short on materials, it comes out of your pocket because you're the professionals and that would be your mistake not mine'.

Roofing Professional

W hether you need a new roof, want to look into new roofing materials to repair or replace your roof, or just want to find out the meaning of all those roofing terms your roofing contractor has been using, we will guide you in the right direction.

Make the smart choice when selecting a company for all your roofing needs! 830-488-7707

What you can expect

S tarting with your first meeting with RepairMyRoof4Less.com, you’ll be impressed by the way we completely focus on answering your questions, learning your needs, educating you about what is new, and providing you with a roof whose beauty and longevity will be enjoyed for decades.

Eliminate leaks and costly damage to your home by contacting RepairMyRoof4Less.com today!